About Us
Passionate about providing expert tailored advice
We are a team of Registered Paediatric Dietitians who are trained in managing a range of conditions or issues that may impact on a child's nutrition, growth and day to day living.
We provide expert advice for many conditions including but not exclusively allergy, faltering growth, nutritional support, cardiology, IBS, coeliac disease, weight management, nutritional deficiencies, faddy eating and blended diets.
You can be reassured that as registered professionals we are skilled at translating evidence-based practice into practical everyday advice that is tailored to your lifestyle.
Our Story
Oxford Paediatric Dietitians was born from a passion for bringing experts together on one platform to offer choice and availability in a climate of long NHS waiting lists and not always being able to tap into the specialist care you need.
Dietitians are the only qualified healthcare professionals to assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems. The experts on this platform come with the highest recommendations to ensure you are in first class hands.
We all have complimentary skillsets in general paediatrics but there is also the option to book in with individuals who cover more specialist areas. Please see the Bios in 'Meet The Team'.